The Bayshore Beautification MSTU and Collier County Parks and Recreation Department partnered to upgrade Hamilton Avenue and provide overflow boat trailer parking to serve Bayview Park. The $3.2 million will provide 34 trailer parking spaces on Hamilton Ave, a roundabout at Hamilton and Thomasson to assist with traffic flow, multi-use pathway from Thomasson to Danford, streetlighting and landscaping consistent with the completed Thomasson Drive Enhancement Project. The project also resulted in a partnership with Naples Botanical Gardens to handle the additional stormwater runoff from the additional impervious surface. Naples Botanical Gardens will also create an educational exhibit related to natural filtration of water management systems. The construction contract was awarded to Haskins Inc. and Johnson Engineering will assist the County in Construction Management and Inspection during the project. Tentative completion date: January 2023. For more information please contact: Olivier Sureau, Collier County Facilities Department, Office: (239) 778-4237 or email:
In addition to the County project, the City of Naples replaced the watermain on Hamilton Avenue from Bay Street to Thomasson Drive.
Please note that during construction, boat trailer parking will be limited to parking spaces at Bayview Park. NO parking in the construction zone will be permitted.
Please see the January 5, 2022 Public Information Meeting Presentation for more information