CRA Projects

Regulatory Changes

To further implement the Community Redevelopment Plan, the CRA received approval from the CRA Board in 2019 to move forward with changes to the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code. Since the first public meeting in October 2019, the BGTCRA Advisory Board, CRA staff, Growth Management staff have continued to review and draft changes to meet the intent of the redevelopment plan.  On January 11, 2021 the updates to the proposed LDC drafts were presented at the CRA Advisory Board meeting, where staff received direction to move forward with the LDC and Growth Management Plan (GMP) amendment review process. All the proposed changes were approved by the Board of County Commissioners in March 2022.

Two regulatory changes were adopted:

  1. Amendment to the Future Land Use Element and Land Development Code regarding Bonus Density Pool.  These amendments establish a limited density pool allocation for multi-family projects and mixed use projects 2 acres or less and to provide for public realm improvements for project which utilize the density pool.  Monetary contributions may go towards 1) CRA’s Public Art Fund; 2) CRA Capital Project Fund; 3) County Capital Project Fund; or 4) an equivalent contribution of physical improvement within the project or dedication of land/easement consistent with CRA Redevelopment Plan, Public Art Pilot Plan, CRA Capital Improvement Plan, or County Capital Improvement Plan. For more information, please contact Growth Management at 239-252-2400.

Ordinance 2022-08 Limited Density Pool Resolution 2022-36 Limited Density Pool

Resolution 2022-36 Limited Density Pool– 

Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA Density Bonus Pool Flyer

  1. Revisions to the Land Development Code and Administrative Code.  Changes included revising the name of the overlay districts to Bayshore Zoning Overlay District and Gateway Triangle Zoning Overlay District, to add prohibited uses in the Bayshore Zoning Overlay, add appearance standards for outdoor display and storage, add a boundary map for the Bayshore Zoning Overlay District and for the Gateway Triangle Zoning Overlay District, add architectural standards for single family homes, and change other development standards.  For more information, please contact Growth Management at 239-252-2400.

Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA Heavy Commercial Standards Flyer

Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA Single Family Home Standards

GTZO Map Final

BZO Map Final

To view all Land Development Code Regulations-